import re
from typing import List, Optional
SPACE_ID = str
DESCRIPTION = Optional[str]
INITIALS = Optional[str]
COLOR = Optional[str]
DISABLED_FEATURES = Optional[List[str]]
IMAGE_URL = Optional[str]
[docs]def verify(value: Optional[str]) -> bool:
Verify the value
:param value: String value
:return: Boolean True if valid, False if invalid
if value:
return True
return False
[docs]def verify_space_id(space_id: SPACE_ID) -> bool:
Verify the space ID
:param space_id: String space ID
:return: Boolean True if valid, False if invalid
if space_id:
pattern = r'^[a-z0-9_-]+$'
if re.match(pattern, space_id):
return True
return False
[docs]def verify_initials_len(initials: INITIALS) -> bool:
Verify if the initials are between 1 and 2 characters
:param initials: String initials
:return: Boolean True if valid, False if invalid
if initials:
if 1 <= len(initials) <= 2:
return True
return False
[docs]def verify_if_color_starts_with_hash(color: COLOR) -> bool:
Verify if the color starts with a hash
:param color: String color
:return: Boolean True if valid, False if invalid
if color.startswith('#'):
return True
return False
[docs]def verify_if_color_has_seven_characters(color: COLOR) -> bool:
Verify if the color has seven characters
:param color: String color
:return: Boolean True if valid, False if invalid
if len(color) == 7:
return True
return False
[docs]def verify_color_regex_pattern(color: COLOR) -> bool:
Verify the color regex pattern
:param color: String color
:return: Boolean True if valid, False if invalid
pattern = r'^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6})$'
if re.match(pattern, color):
return True
return False
[docs]def verify_if_space_exists_near_comma(value: str) -> bool:
Verify if the space exists after a comma in disabled features
:param value: String value
:return: Boolean True if valid, False if invalid
if',\s', value) or'\s,', value):
return True
return False
[docs]def verify_if_string_starts_with_comma(value: str) -> bool:
Verify if the string starts with a comma
:param value: String value
:return: Boolean True if valid, False if invalid
if value.startswith(','):
return True
return False
[docs]def verify_if_string_ends_with_comma(value: str) -> bool:
Verify if the string ends with a comma
:param value: String value
:return: Boolean True if valid, False if invalid
if value.endswith(','):
return True
return False
[docs]def verify_disabled_features_regex_pattern(disabled_features: str) -> bool:
Verify the disabled features regex pattern
:param disabled_features: String disabled features
:return: Boolean True if valid, False if invalid
pattern = r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(,[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)*$'
if re.match(pattern, disabled_features):
return True
return False
[docs]def verify_if_image_url_starts_with_data_image(image_url: IMAGE_URL) -> bool:
Verify if the image URL starts with data:image
:param image_url: String image URL
:return: Boolean True if valid, False if invalid
if image_url.startswith('data:image'):
return True
return False
[docs]def verify_if_image_url_has_image_type(image_url: IMAGE_URL) -> bool:
Verify if the image URL has an image type
:param image_url: String image URL
:return: Boolean True if valid, False if invalid
image_type_match = re.match(r"data:image/(\w+);", image_url)
if image_type_match:
return True
return False
[docs]def verify_if_image_url_is_base64_encoded(image_url: IMAGE_URL) -> bool:
Verify if the image URL is base64 encoded
:param image_url: String image URL
:return: Boolean True if valid, False if invalid
if"base64,", image_url):
return True
return False