Source code for src.utils.get_and_verify_user_options

import re
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any, Callable
from src.utils.user_options_utils.verifiers import verify, verify_roles_regex_pattern, verify_password_length, \
    verify_if_space_exists_near_comma, verify_if_string_starts_with_comma, verify_if_string_ends_with_comma, \
    verify_metadata_regex_pattern, verify_enabled_regex_pattern
from src.utils.user_options_utils.utils import get_input

ROLES = List[str]
PASSWORD = str | None
PASSWORD_HASH = str | None
FULL_NAME = str | None
EMAIL = str | None
METADATA = Dict[str, Any] | None
ENABLED = bool


[docs]def get_and_verify_user_options() -> UserData: """ Get and verify user options :return: A tuple of user options. """ username = get_and_verify_username() roles = get_and_verify_roles() password = get_and_verify_password() if password is None: password_hash = get_and_verify_password_hash() else: password_hash = None full_name = get_and_verify_full_name() email = get_and_verify_email() metadata = get_and_verify_metadata() enabled = get_and_verify_enabled() return username, roles, password, password_hash, full_name, email, metadata, enabled
[docs]def get_and_verify_username(get_user_username_fn: Callable[[str], str] = get_input) -> USERNAME: """ Get and verify the username :return: String username """ while True: username = get_user_username_fn('Enter the username (Required): ') username = username.strip() if verify(username): return username print('Username is required.')
[docs]def get_and_verify_roles(get_user_role_fn: Callable[[str], str] = get_input) -> ROLES: """ Get and verify the roles :return: List of roles or None """ while True: roles = get_user_role_fn('Enter the roles (Required, comma separated): ') roles = roles.strip() if verify(roles): if verify_if_space_exists_near_comma(roles): roles = roles.replace(', ', ',') roles = roles.replace(' ,', ',') if verify_roles_regex_pattern(roles): return roles.split(',') else: print('Roles must be comma separated. Example: role1,role2') else: print('Roles are required.')
[docs]def get_and_verify_password(get_user_password_fn: Callable[[str], str] = get_input) -> PASSWORD: """ Get and verify the password :return: String of password or None """ while True: password = get_user_password_fn('Enter the password (Optional if you will use password_hash): ') password = password.strip() if verify(password): if verify_password_length(password): return password print('Password must be at least 6 characters.') continue return None
[docs]def get_and_verify_password_hash(get_user_password_hash_fn: Callable[[str], str] = get_input) -> PASSWORD_HASH: """ Get and verify the password hash :return: String of password hash """ while True: password_hash = get_user_password_hash_fn('Enter the password hash (Required): ') password_hash = password_hash.strip() if verify(password_hash): return password_hash print('Password hash is required.')
[docs]def get_and_verify_full_name(get_user_full_name_fn: Callable[[str], str] = get_input) -> FULL_NAME: """ Get and verify the full name :return: String of full name or None """ while True: full_name = get_user_full_name_fn('Enter the full name (Optional): ') full_name = full_name.strip() if verify(full_name): return full_name return None
[docs]def get_and_verify_email(get_user_email_fn: Callable[[str], str] = get_input) -> EMAIL: """ Get and verify the email :return: String of email or None """ while True: email = get_user_email_fn('Enter the email (Optional): ') email = email.strip() if verify(email): return email return None
[docs]def get_and_verify_metadata(get_user_metadata_fn: Callable[[str], str] = get_input) -> METADATA: """ Get and verify the metadata :return: Dict of metadata or None """ while True: metadata = get_user_metadata_fn('Enter the metadata (Optional, comma separated, key:value format): ') metadata = metadata.strip() if verify(metadata): if verify_if_space_exists_near_comma(metadata): metadata = metadata.replace(', ', ',') metadata = metadata.replace(' ,', ',') if verify_if_string_starts_with_comma(metadata): metadata = metadata[1:] if verify_if_string_ends_with_comma(metadata): metadata = metadata[:-1] if verify_metadata_regex_pattern(metadata): return dict(item.split(':') for item in metadata.split(',')) else: print('Metadata must be comma separated and in key:value format. Example: key1:value1,key2:value2') print('If you do not want to set metadata, leave the field blank.') continue return None
[docs]def get_and_verify_enabled(get_user_enabled_fn: Callable[[str], str] = get_input) -> ENABLED: """ Get and verify the enabled status :return: True if enabled, False if disabled """ while True: enabled = get_user_enabled_fn('Enter the enabled status (Optional (default: True), True/False): ') enabled = enabled.strip().lower() if verify(enabled): if verify_enabled_regex_pattern(enabled): return enabled == 'true' else: print('Enabled status must be either true or false.') print('If you do not want to set enabled status, leave the field blank.') continue return True