Source code for src.utils.get_and_verify_space_options

import re
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Callable

from src.utils.space_options_utils.verifiers import verify, verify_space_id, verify_initials_len, \
    verify_if_color_starts_with_hash, verify_if_color_has_seven_characters, verify_color_regex_pattern, \
    verify_if_string_starts_with_comma, verify_if_space_exists_near_comma, verify_if_string_ends_with_comma, \
    verify_disabled_features_regex_pattern, verify_if_image_url_is_base64_encoded, \
    verify_if_image_url_has_image_type, verify_if_image_url_starts_with_data_image

from src.utils.space_options_utils.utils import get_image_url_image_type, get_input

SPACE_ID = str
DESCRIPTION = Optional[str]
INITIALS = Optional[str]
COLOR = Optional[str]
DISABLED_FEATURES = Optional[List[str]]
IMAGE_URL = Optional[str]


[docs]def get_and_verify_space_options() -> SpaceData: """ Get space options. :return: A tuple of space options. """ space_id = get_and_verify_space_id() space_name = get_and_verify_space_name() description = get_and_verify_description() initials = get_and_verify_initials() color = get_and_verify_color() disabled_features = get_and_verify_disabled_features() image_url = get_and_verify_image_url() return space_id, space_name, description, initials, color, disabled_features, image_url
[docs]def get_and_verify_space_id(get_space_id_fn: Callable[[str], str] = get_input) -> SPACE_ID: """ Get and verify the space ID :return: String space ID """ while True: space_id = get_space_id_fn('Enter the space ID (Required): ') space_id = space_id.strip().lower() if verify_space_id(space_id): return space_id print('Space ID is required.')
[docs]def get_and_verify_space_name(get_space_name_fn: Callable[[str], str] = get_input) -> SPACE_NAME: """ Get and verify the space name :return: String space name """ while True: space_name = get_space_name_fn('Enter the space name (Required): ') space_name = space_name.strip() if verify(space_name): return space_name print('Space name is required.')
[docs]def get_and_verify_description(get_space_description: Callable[[str], str] = get_input) -> DESCRIPTION: """ Get and verify the description :return: String description or None """ description = get_space_description('Enter the space description (Optional): ') description = description.strip() if verify(description): return description return None
[docs]def get_and_verify_initials(get_space_initials_fn: Callable[[str], str] = get_input) -> INITIALS: """ Get and verify the initials :return: String initials or None """ while True: initials = get_space_initials_fn('Enter the space initials (Optional, max length 2): ') initials = initials.strip() if verify(initials): if verify_initials_len(initials): return initials.upper() else: print('Initials must be between 1 and 2 characters. Example: CJ or C') print('If you do not want to set initials, leave the field blank.') continue return None
[docs]def get_and_verify_color(get_space_color_fn: Callable[[str], str] = get_input) -> COLOR: """ Get and verify the color :return: String hex color or None """ while True: color = get_space_color_fn('Enter the space color (Optional, hex format): ') color = color.strip() if verify(color): if not verify_if_color_starts_with_hash(color): color = f'#{color}' if not verify_if_color_has_seven_characters(color): color = color[0] + color[1] + color[1] + color[2] + color[2] + color[3] + color[3] if verify_color_regex_pattern(color): return color else: print('Color must be in hex format. Example: #000000') print('If you do not want to set a color, leave the field blank.') continue return None
[docs]def get_and_verify_disabled_features( get_space_disabled_features_fn: Callable[[str], str] = get_input) -> DISABLED_FEATURES: """ Get and verify the disabled features :return: List of disabled features or None """ while True: disabled_features = get_space_disabled_features_fn( 'Enter the space disabled features (Optional, comma separated): ') disabled_features = disabled_features.strip() if verify(disabled_features): if verify_if_space_exists_near_comma(disabled_features): disabled_features = disabled_features.replace(', ', ',') disabled_features = disabled_features.replace(' ,', ',') if verify_if_string_starts_with_comma(disabled_features): disabled_features = disabled_features[1:] if verify_if_string_ends_with_comma(disabled_features): disabled_features = disabled_features[:-1] if verify_disabled_features_regex_pattern(disabled_features): return disabled_features.split(',') else: print('Disabled features must be comma separated. Example: feature1,feature2') print('If you do not want to set disabled features, leave the field blank.') continue return None
[docs]def get_and_verify_image_url(get_space_image_url_fn: Callable[[str], str] = get_input) -> IMAGE_URL: """ Get and verify the image URL :return: String image URL or None """ valid_image_types: List[str] = ["png", "jpeg", "gif", "webp"] while True: image_url = get_space_image_url_fn('Enter the space image URL (Optional): ') image_url = image_url.strip() if verify(image_url): if not verify_if_image_url_starts_with_data_image(image_url): print("Image URL must start with 'data:image'") print('If you do not want to set an image URL, leave the field blank.') continue if not verify_if_image_url_has_image_type(image_url): print("Image URL must have a image type") print('If you do not want to set an image URL, leave the field blank.') continue if get_image_url_image_type(image_url) not in valid_image_types: print("Image URL must have a valid image type (png, jpeg, gif, webp)") print('If you do not want to set an image URL, leave the field blank.') continue if not verify_if_image_url_is_base64_encoded(image_url): print("Image URL must be base64 encoded") print('If you do not want to set an image URL, leave the field blank.') continue return image_url return None